Fly Fishing from Pry House
If it is salmon or seatrout you’re after, Pry is a great base. And Steve, who is a passionate fisherman himself and member of a local club, is happy to share his long-standing experience.
Few fishermen need telling that the River Tyne is the best salmon river in England and Wales. And the prospects leapt dramatically in April 2019 after the government introduced by-laws banning drift and fixed-net fishing for salmon off the North-East coast.
The salmon season runs early February until the end of October. From Pry it is a short drive to the main Tyne and its top beat Bywell which produces fish from spring to autumn. The best beats on the two main tributaries -- the North and South Tyne -- which fish best in autumn are also within easy reach.
If seatrout fishing is your passion, try the nearby River Wear or the River Coquet.
The River Derwent and reservoir are also close by and fish well for trout. Flanked by the North Pennine grouse moors lie Balderhead, Cow Green and Selset reservoirs where you will find native wild trout with unique markings. The River Rede is also a first-class trout water in stunning surroundings.
When you end back at Pry, relax in the book room browsing through the shelf of classic fishing books including Hugh Falkus’s ‘Seatrout Fishing’ and T. C. Kingsmill Moore’s ‘A Man May Fish.’ Or even tie a fly for your next session!
Fly Tying
Pry House has excellent fly-tying equipment, feathers and other resources to make up the best patterned fly and tube flies for the local rivers. Failing that there is a selection of flies for sale including some bespoke Scandinavian tube flies tied by Swedish fisherman Par Palm.
The Tyne is largely a smallish river and even in the autumn a 14-foot rod with the appropriate sink-tip will suffice. A rod and reel can be hired from Pry, depending on your level of expertise.
Pry can put you in contact with a fishing guide. Local knowledge is key and a guide can be an invaluable recruit in catching such an elusive fish. And if the river is down on its haunches, you can always improve your fly casting skills!
Steve is happy to assist beginners providing basic instruction in Spey and Scandinavia casting techniques, setting up a salmon and seatrout rig, and tying wet flies.
Call 01434 673835 for further fishing queries.